
domingo, 23 de agosto de 2015

Hi mr. anyone!!

You're welcome to my art blog, this page is going to talk about the comic book world and the process behind it.

Im studying the third semester at the art school of Chiapas and Im a fanboy that enjoy all the comics, movies and videogames world!

Im in the way to become a comic artist

miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2015

Hulk (colors practice) 
chartpak markers

Shazam (cover)
28cm x 43cm

Inks and chartpak marker
28cm x 43cm 

Death warrior
28cm x 43cm

The comic has been considered in several ocassions as the eighth art (knowing there`re seven beautiful arts) and in other hand many people don't take it as an art.

The comic is one way to tell a history through pictures and dialogues. The draw style and the narrative or storyteling are two things you must consider forthe comic process. In many times the comic artists and editors say that the storytelling is the most important thing in a comic and they're right! The Storytelling is how you're going to describe a part of a history, or a novel. 

martes, 18 de agosto de 2015

Cover progress

I'm going to share you part of my progress in a comic book cover.

First of all I do a sketch about what I want to put in my page.

Then I draw some perspective lines in order to make the picture realistic.

I draw the principal characters

then... the background


                                                           The cover is done!!

Another cover!!

"Thanos Rising"
43 x 28 cm

sábado, 1 de agosto de 2015

For begin a comic book page you should how is the format where you are going to work.

The size is approximately 28 cm x 43 cm

viernes, 31 de julio de 2015

Now you have to read the script, then you need to put your ideas in a page, Start doing your frist drawings roughly. Leave out details. This is just for the page design.

 For example, look at this process.
Work by Stuart Immonen

The pencil work is (for me) the best part in a comic page process, this is the moment when you have to put all the things in order ad focus in all the details as posible you can.
Work by Cary Nord

After the pencil work comes the inking part

Work by Greg Capullo